Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

Do You Love Being Here In Bali?

Today, suddenly I remember a question from a foreigner who I met in Kuta Beach around a month ago.
After a long chat, he asked me, "Do you love being here? In Bali?"
It was the first time a person asked me such question, and it truly made me think hard about it.

I was thinking it while laugh a bit. I become a little confuse.
"I don't know", I answered hesitately with a little laugh. Then, I tell him my reason. "I mean, you know, I live my life here my whole life, I was born here, I was growing up here, my family is here, it's my home. Of course I love being here. I mean, I've never been to other country. So, I don't know."

He nodded while smiling. "You're lucky being in this country, especially Bali. Here, you have everything. In my country, there is no beach, there's only this one river for our water source but it's not that clean though."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah, this place is always warm. In my country, on the winter, we hardly go outside because of the snow. About a month, every activity stop and we'll be in the house."

"Like hibernation? What about food?"

"We stoke it. Even if you want to buy food outside, no shop open"

"You must be joking."

"No, it's true. That's why I leave my country. And make a living in Dubai."

"Wow, that country. Amazing! That's a reeeeaaalllyyy rich country you know."

"You know Dubai?"

"Yeah, I read some articel about that country. So you live there, alone?"

He nodded then smile. "You know, we live for this one thing, ...." he played his fingers describing something.

"Money?" I guessed it right.

And our conversation become longer that I expected. He is an open-minded person, so it was really easy to talk to him. We talked about a lot of thing, from what we have in our own country, economic matters, problems in our country, goverment issue, and a little about our own self. The only thing I couldn't tell him was about my age, I told him that at that time I was on my vacation from school. I was sure he think that I'm a high schooler, he is not, is he? Lol

About his question, the truth is, in my younger days, at my younger age, I was thinking of living in other country. I was tired with the condition here. At that time, I disappointed by a lot of thing. My family, my life, everything. I always want to go far away, where there's no one know me.

But now, I think I love being here in Bali. Despite all of things that happen, I think this is my home. I think, it is here that I will be accepted.

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